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The Law of Attraction

I just love teaching other people the law of attraction, simply because the results that it brings are so rapid and astonishing. Throughout the years, I’ve collected many examples and

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About me

Welcome, my name is Rakefet Beka Moses and I am a spiritual and a practical guide to personal and global development. i’m an author, and the developer of the thinking process “Be the Change”

In the blog you will find messages from the angels that will allow you to live out of joy and self-fulfillment.

Message from the angels about the essence of the messages in the blog:

“Your personal development will lead to a spiritual awakening and a real experience of the world out of full awareness of your choices, as a result you will experience
A change in the global consciousness and an opening to abilities that you do not remember exist in you, we bless you for choosing to come here and hear these messages “

Every struggle is a gift that allows you to learn and re-choose, you were the light

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