Hello, loved ones. How are you?
Today is sunday, June 19th 2022.
I’m Rakefat Beka Moses, spiritual guide and practical channeling teacher and we are here every Sunday receive the weekly message from our spirit guides,
And every Tuesday on Live News at 8: 30 p.m. evening Israel time.
So it’s great you’re here and it’s great you’re sharing.
And always continue to share both the lives and messages, because they are meant for all of us, not just us, who are hearing in person.
The message from our spirit guides needs to be spread further.
So let’s go see our message for this week.
I, Rakefet, demand that the message be received from a high and reliable source and spirit guides in an unambiguous way, that it be understood to me and anyone who will see the message now and in the future, and that the message will work to our utmost benefit.
Thank you.
Thank you, beloved daughter, for agreeing to convey these messages every week and pass them on, so that many people can learn and grow together because this is the time you learn from each other, at all times.
We, the spirit guides who are present now near you, see only some of us but there are here much more than we are.
We are the mothers, Rachel and Leah.
Along with us is the spirit guides Rebecca, and Jacob and Esau.
We’re here to explain to you the significance of the joint work you’re doing at this time.
You think many times that you have to carry the burden of the world on you, on your shoulders and that you have to move processes forward on your own.
But as you know and have been told numerous times by your spirit guides, in this time you act in unity and learn what unity is.
Every week we are here to explain to you how to take these steps one by one, and we talked to you about it last week – that unity is different from the way you think it is perceived in your minds and that each of you must express yourselves to the fullest and most powerful and shine the light inside of him in order to allow unity to exist.
And now we want to take you one step further so you understand.
In order for unity to exist, you must not only shine your light, but you must trust and trust that the person around you, the people, all the human beings around you will also shine their light.
Many of you, if we were to ask you now do you trust all the people who exist in the world to do their part to achieve unity, many of you would answer no.
For a number of reasons, since you don’t know all the humans and how you can trust people you don’t know and many people who you do know you don’t trust – it is as simple as that.
And that is why we, the spirit guides, are here today to explain to you that it is very important that you practice your faith not only in you but also in the people who are present in your world.
You have to understand that all people who are in the world now their role is one just as your role is one and that is to learn the unity, to learn the meaning of the one.
This means that you realize that you have to be in complete belief not only about your ability to express yourselves and connect with the Divinity within you and express your higher soul vision, but you also have to trust the people around you who exist in the world and are not you because they can also connect to the higher vision of their soul, to express that higher vision in the best beneficial way for your world.
Many people who you do not know also do the work and therefore we bless you extremely because we are around you all the time and send you a lot of information, not just us, many light beings, so that you know the light within you and know how to actualize it and bring it into expression.
At this time when you learn the unity, you must understand that you must in complete faith in the frequencies of Creation and trust the angels and trust the beings of light that guide you and know that we are here to tell you that indeed the light lies in each and every one of you and that each and every one of you has the ability to actualize his full potential and moreover, to actualize the frequency of the common unity.
The spirit guides are working with you on this and you are being asked to develop that belief right now because the people around you, there are many who do not believe in themselves.
But when you hold in your heart the high vision of your souls, trust them even if you don’t know what it is,
by just trusting them,
From the very fact that you believe in your heart in complete belief that the people around you,
Every person who exists in the world even if you don’t know him,
has the ability to fully express the enlightened soul in him and bring it into expression,
So those people who you don’t know will feel this echo and their frequency will rise and they will know how to connect into their soul and express it.
We understand that these things are not fully understood by your mind,
But you must not act using your mind as we have told you before.
Please act from your heart connect with it and know that it is your heart that will lead you.
We know that your soul knows already the path and you know it too and therefore your souls chose to connect to this world at this time and be here at this time,
Because you have the ability to create the change and know the unity for what it is.
The unity frequency asks you to see your high vision and to see the high vision of the people around you and more,
To preserve the high vision of the people you don’t know and echo it because you know that if their soul chose to be here at this time just like your soul, it knows the path, too.
Have complete faith in your souls who have chosen to unite in this time and learn what unity is once again, who have chosen to drive the frequency of unity in your world.
And yes, even those people who don’t understand how they operate the frequency of unity,
Preserve even then to them the complete belief that their soul will be enlightened and guide them and they will know the path.
We want to remind you that even when we were present on Earth, we sometimes acted out of fear and did not know how to create the frequency of unity.
Jacob and Esau who are here together with me know that many things had to change during their lives in order for them to know how to work together.
Many times you think of what your physical will is and you think that it is the will of your soul.
But you have to change and separate the two things and understand that your soul will never ask you for separation.
It will always ask you for unity.
And sometimes when you are in a situation that is complicated for you, that is difficult for you, your soul does not ask you to suffer.
On the contrary, it asks you to rise up and understand why your soul is now experiencing and has brought you to the same place where you are experiencing the suffering and what you should learn from it.
And once you know what you need to learn, you can walk away from the same place which is hard for you.
When you do so, you will actually increase the frequency of unity because you will allow the other person in the same situation to also switch from a frequency of separation to a frequency of unity.
We’ll explain more to you later.
We’ll also get to explain more about that in the Angels news.
We congratulate you very much for coming and asking the questions because to that end we asked Rakefet to create the Live Angel News every week.
We bless you so that you will know what unity is and that you can be in complete faith not only for you but also for the souls who are with you in the world.
You are blessed.
Take the new path.
We will accompany you at any moment.
So the message actually came from Rachel, Leah, Rebecca, Jacob and Esau.
And basically they talked to us about us being in this time of unity, if last week they talked to us that we each need to express ourselves and bring ourselves into expression,
So we must also at the same time maintain complete belief that all the people in the world know their vision of the high soul and know how to connect with it and shine their light.
Now it’s challenging, it’s a challenge because we don’t know all the people in the world obviously and also there are people we know that we don’t think of that are realizing their high vision.,
That maybe we think they’re behaving in a way that’s not good,
And then it’s hard for us to figure out how to keep that faith.
But they said we need to trust them on the light entities that it is and we,
They also said that in the Angels news they would explain it to us better, in more depth how to do it.
But that was really the message, of unity. It means not only that I preserve my high vision and give expression to my soul at its full force.,
But at the same time, I also have a complete belief that all the people in the world know their high vision and actualize it.
So we’re going to have to figure it out a little more in-depth together in the Angels news.
For now, that’s the message.
You are welcome, of course, to pass it on to anyone you want.
It’s also being translated into English and of course, coming to the Angels news on Tuesday, so we can talk about it and understand it better.
So have a lovely week and pass it on.