What life keeps teaching me about money and abundance

ARTICLE: What life keeps teaching me about money and abundance

Hey there. This week, I had a profound realization that left me swimming in gratitude towards myself for the conscious choice I’ve made to navigate this world connected to higher guidance and to continuously engage in the work of awareness in my life. It’s a bit like finding a hidden gem in the backyard of your soul, and trust me, this one shines bright.

Let’s face it, life’s daily grind can sometimes corner us into making choices out of desperation rather than connection. Yes, even I, who teaches the art of connection and awareness, found myself powerless in front of my daughter in this one particular moment when viewing reality through lenses tinted with scarcity. This perspective served neither of us well. It was in turning to the angels for guidance that I was able to reclaim my power and create a more nurturing reality for us both. I’m laying this lesson at your feet because its significance in crafting a reality of abundance cannot be overstated.

When we fail to recognize the abundance in our lives, we contract, attracting scarcity and lack

 Here’s where the story gets juicy. My husband and I decided to build a unit for my mom in our backyard. We chose a contractor, paid him a hefty sum upfront, and then watched our trust in him evaporate as he mishandled our project. In other words, it felt like our money was slipping through our fingers, leaving us feeling out of control.

This mindset seeped so deep that when my daughter asked to eat sushi together one day, my immediate response was, “We’re choosing to allocate our finances elsewhere. Let’s eat at home.” But here’s where the plot twists. The very next day, my husband, Guy, took the girls out for various errands and… ended up eating hummus outdoors with them. When I questioned his “spending” during our financially tight times, his reply was a wake-up call. He stressed the importance of quality time with our daughters.

This prompted me to pause and reflect on the discrepancy between our realities. Seeking guidance from the angels, I yearned for a higher perspective on both this specific situation and our overall circumstances. Abundance flows towards us when we operate from an inner place of abundance.

The guidance I received was enlightening. Labeling outdoor dining as frivolous was misplacing my energy. Wastefulness is spending money on something we don’t genuinely need and that doesn’t return the right energy to us. “Guy’s choice to spend quality time with the girls was the right one,” the angels assured me. “He invested in their relationship and in their self-relationship, making their time together enjoyable.” I took a moment to breathe in these words, and the guidance continued, “Such choices draw more abundance and energy towards you, therefore the decision to spend your money in this way is not a one-answer-fits-all.”

So, dear ones, as we walk our paths, let’s remember that our choices, especially those made from a place of love and connection, have the power to summon abundance into our lives. The universe is always speaking; are we ready to listen?


The Energy of Money

Now, I want to pause the story for a moment and ask you to imagine the energy of money in your life. Try to ask yourself whether this energy is positive, negative, flowing, stuck, simple, complex, and so on. Reflect on the energy you invest in your perception of money and take a deep breath. Since we are not usually taught to work with money as energy, we “copy” our attitude towards it from our home environment or our immediate surroundings. To make a change, we need to understand the deep meaning of the statement: “Money is energy.”


Now, pay attention, when you spend your money on something and feel joy at that moment about your choice but later experience guilt, your energy is wasted. Yes, that same energy of joy that knows how to attract more abundance into your life contracts and is wasted.

And what is waste? Waste happens when we invest our energy and our money in something we don’t really need and won’t really return our investment or allow us to experience what we truly desire.

Money is an energy that we give when we receive something in return. We need to choose to invest it in things that will give us back what we want to experience. When we don’t understand this, we often spend money, energy on fleeting things that won’t give us the feeling we really want to experience.

Therefore, the question of whether to invest money in this or that doesn’t have a single answer. In fact, throughout the week, we want and need to see if our money has returned to us the energy we asked for. If so, then we’ve attracted more abundance into our lives.


To live with the awareness that abundance is a constant possibility in our lives

This lesson was very powerful for me. The angels showed me the places where we all might miss and not understand the deep essence related to money and abundance. One of the important things I took from this lesson is to be mindful of my thoughts and actions when I am in challenging situations like the one I experienced and to ensure that my abundance consciousness does not contract as a result of fear or worry. And perhaps it can even be said that the opposite is true, when I find myself feeling stressed and contracted because of life events related to money and abundance, I stop, breathe, and clarify with myself how I am managing my money in the current situation so that I spend money and in return receive additional abundance in my life. This means that sometimes, especially in stressful periods, we will invest money in getting help, learning something new, in our relationships, or in anything that will later support increasing abundance in our lives.


And if you also want to strengthen your connection with your guides and

 better understand your lessons, you are invited to the workshop for connecting with your spiritual guide, and this time it’s even on Zoom, all the details are here:


Have a great weekend, Rakefet 💜

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