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The 9 Gates process is a powerful process in which we have gone through nine energetic gates in order to open up to the important processes that began in 2020 The process helped hundreds of people to reach a higher level of spiritual consciousness!
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Gate 1 – The Gate of Creation Gate 2 – The Gate of Forgiveness Gate 3 – The Gate of whole good Gate 4 – The Gate of internal confident Gate 5 – The Gate of Acceptance Gate 6 – The Gate of intention in the heart Gate 7 – The Gate of re-creation Gate 8 – The Gate of Free will Gate 9 – The Gate of Blessings
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Who am I
Rakefet Beka Moses – a spiritual and a practical mentor
a spiritual and a practical mentor, channeling teacher
connects people to their higher spiritual guidance
Author, lecturer, therapist and facilitator of healing processes, developed the “Be the change” thinking method.
She channels the holy angels who guide her and transmit new knowledge to the world through them.
Rakefet believes everyone can make a change in their lives and can channel with the right tools and connection to spiritual guides