Let’s give people hope at a time of change and write a new story for humanity!

Envision the Future Conference 2022



Let’s give people Hope at a time of change!

Welcome to Envision the Future Conference! A first of its kind global online transformation event where leaders worldwide are coming together to write a new story for humanity.

We are living in extraordinary times of change on our planet earth. The instability around us causes fear and anxiety for many people. People are looking for tools to cope with these times, but more than that - they want to see a vision of a brighter future. A vision that they can connect to that will give them hope and inspiration for the times ahead. Of course, with those instability comes a huge opportunity to create a collective consciousness shift to a much greater world.

We are inviting you to participate in a very special gathering in which speakers, visionaries, and community leaders from various fields will present their vision of a better, brighter future. Let's envision together a future in which our well-being comes from listening to our body, sustaining inner peace, and enhancing our spiritual connections and abilities. Let’s create a future in which people see themselves and others as a whole. Let’s see a future that is connected to nature, a future of human partnerships and cooperation.

Let's envision together a future in which our well-being comes from listening to our body, sustaining inner peace, and enhancing our spiritual connections and abilities.

Let’s see a future that is connected to nature; a future of human partnerships and cooperation.

Let’s create a future in which people see themselves and others as a whole.

Let’s see a future that is connected to nature, a future of human partnerships and cooperation.

Let’s envision what futuristic architecture, community life, family life, education, economy and health systems - will look like.

We have chosen you as you are one of those people who can give others hope by presenting your vision of the potential possible future. We will be delighted if you agree to join us.

What will be in the 3 days event?

Envision the future is a 3-day global online event that will take place on September 9th-11th 2022. the event includes many leaders and influencers from around the globe that are creating a new paradigm and alternatives in many different fields such as: Consciousness, health, education, economy, agriculture, sustainability and more.

Each day will be devoted to a different part:

Day 1 -Me and myself -How can I start feeling the changes in my life and how can I contribute to the world from my own home

Day 2 -Me and my family/community -What will my family life look like in the future when we live in communities

Day 3 Me and the world -What systemic changes are happening in the world why are they necessary and how can I take part

Why are we doing it?

Our world is in accelerated development, each of us individually and at the same time, all of us together as a humanity. Let's fulfil the dream of humanity together - to be better to ourselves and others - as one, just as we have been created!

We learn what connects us and how to act in excellent cooperation with each other and with the forces of nature. We must learn to act out of personal responsibility, unity, mutual guarantee, and all this in modesty and connection to the truth.

We believe that collaborations are the key to the future and therefore, this conference is also done in collaboration with many communities around the globe.

Karni Zor- Founder of Mythra, Astrologer, and world-wide workshops facilitator

Let's fulfil the dream of humanity together - to be better to ourselves and others - as one, just as we have been created!

How is it going to work?

The event will be streamed on a special platform, creating a unique experience for the users and many opportunities for the speakers and influencers to take part. Each speaker will have around 45-60 minutes which can be live-streamed or pre-recorded and streamed live at the event.

The main goal is to create a transformation for as many people as possible and get them involved in projects making a change. This event is not about making a profit. There will be a free registration and a paid ($20) registration option, including some exclusive content and all the recordings. We will have an affiliate system, and for each paid member who will come via you, we will give you $10.

We will also share as well the database to offer your content via our platform, of course. All the rest of the money will cover the conference investment and invest in projects of the communities that take part in the conference. So everything will be in full transparency to all.

Who is behind it?

Rakefet Beka Moses

Envision the Future started with Rakefet Beka Moses.

Rakefet is a spiritual mentor and the founder of the Bareket community. She developed the "Be the change" thinking method. She is an author, lecturer, therapist, and facilitator of healing processes all around the world.

Rakefet channels the angels who guide her and transmit new knowledge to the world through her. She received a clear message and took it with both hands!

Rakefet is also a part of the Together Movement from Israel, shared the idea and the organization decided to jump on board.

Together Movement:

The Together organization was established out of the understanding that there are millions of organizations and people worldwide working to create a change for the better. However, we understand that in order to make a significant change, we need to unite and operate together, rather than each operate independently.

Together Movement, as its name implies, is a home that connects and provides a platform for all these organizations and people to work together to create the longed-for change. The Together Movement has established all the necessary infrastructure, which enables the creation of a solid human network that supports and maintains connections to a large number of people and provides the space and tools for collaborations.

The organization operates simultaneously in two areas: A. Consciousness – Creating individual change and expansion of consciousness, leading to a new balanced and healthy state of consciousness, both the individual and the collective. B. Systems - Creating new systems that work for the people in the main areas of life. This includes Economy, Health, Education, Media & Communication, Lands and communities, Sustainability and more.

During the past two years, 100’s leaders, entrepreneurs, communities and projects have joined together and created very powerful alternatives for humanity.

Details of the association Together organization is registered in Israel as a social business. Business name - Together Movement Ltd.

Our organization was established for-profit - even big profit - but not for personal profit. The organization's shareholders have signed a document with a lawyer stating that their shares are worthless and cannot be sold or transferred. Therefore, all profits are reinvested in the Together community: Fulfilling projects, improving the quality of life and reducing the costs of living - for all of us.


Who is behind it?

Rakefet Beka Moses

Envision the Future started with Rakefet Beka Moses.

Rakefet is a spiritual mentor and the founder of the Bareket community. She developed the "Be the change" thinking method. She is an author, lecturer, therapist, and facilitator of healing processes all around the world.

Rakefet channels the angels who guide her and transmit new knowledge to the world through her.

Rakefet is also a part of the Together Movement from Israel, shared the idea and the organization decided to jump on board.

Together Movement:

The Together organization was established out of the understanding that there are millions of organizations and people worldwide working to create a change for the better. However, we understand that in order to make a significant change, we need to unite and operate together, rather than each operate independently.

Together Movement, as its name implies, is a home that connects and provides a platform for all these organizations and people to work together to create the longed-for change. The Together Movement has established all the necessary infrastructure, which enables the creation of a solid human network that supports and maintains connections to a large number of people and provides the space and tools for collaborations.

The organization operates simultaneously in two areas: A. Consciousness – Creating individual change and expansion of consciousness, leading to a new balanced and healthy state of consciousness, both the individual and the collective. B. Systems - Creating new systems that work for the people in the main areas of life. This includes Economy, Health, Education, Media & Communication, Lands and communities, Sustainability and more.

During the past two years, 100’s leaders, entrepreneurs, communities and projects have joined together and created very powerful alternatives for humanity.

Details of the association Together organization is registered in Israel as a social business. Business name - Together Movement Ltd.

Details of the association Together organization is registered in Israel as a social business. Business name - Together Movement Ltd.

Our organization was established for-profit - even big profit - but not for personal profit. The organization's shareholders have signed a document with a lawyer stating that their shares are worthless and cannot be sold or transferred. Therefore, all profits are reinvested in the Together community: Fulfilling projects, improving the quality of life and reducing the costs of living - for all of us.





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