Why the Cost of Living Keeps Rising and What It’s Teaching Us

Why the Cost of Living Keeps Rising and What It’s Teaching Us
By Rakefet Beke Moses

Lately, I’ve been talking to so many people about the rising cost of living and how everything seems to get more expensive—and likely will continue to do so. While protests may occasionally slow price increases, the truth is that over the past few years, the costs of almost every aspect of life have skyrocketed.

As someone who always tries to see the glass half full, I often turn to spiritual guidance for the tough questions. I believe that every challenge carries a lesson and arrives in our lives because we are capable of facing it. More importantly, these challenges help us grow and move forward to our next stage in life.

I like to break down challenges into three stages:

Stage 1: Feeling the Challenge

The first thing I do when facing a challenge is allow myself to feel it fully. I don’t sugarcoat my emotions. Instead, I create space for the raw, sometimes unpleasant feelings to surface. I often write down all my thoughts and emotions, no matter how harsh or messy they may seem. Giving these feelings a voice is essential to understanding and releasing them.

Stage 2: Gaining Perspective

Next, I try to step outside myself and consider how others might handle the same challenge. I imagine people with very different approaches—logical thinkers, emotional responders, practical planners, or those who prefer to take their time analyzing a situation. I even think about how mentors like Jim Rohn or Tony Robbins might approach it. While I can’t ask them directly, imagining their reactions gives me new perspectives and insights.

Stage 3: Asking “Why Now?”

Finally, I ask myself and my spiritual guides why this challenge has arrived at this specific moment. What makes now the right time to face it? How am I different now compared to other times when I might not have been ready for it? I also consider what this challenge is teaching me about myself and how it will shape me once I’ve overcome it.

By following these stages, I often realize that even the most difficult challenges carry enormous growth opportunities.

The Rising Cost of Living: A Call to Act Differently

When I apply these stages to the rising cost of living, I begin to understand that this isn’t just a financial issue—it’s an invitation to rethink how we live and interact.

Until now, many of us have focused on individual success—providing for ourselves and our families. This has created a competitive mindset that has widened social and economic gaps. We strive to climb the socioeconomic ladder for our loved ones while also wishing for a better world for everyone.

But here’s the conflict: Does stepping away from the race leave us behind, or does it open the door to a more meaningful life?

I often hear stories of people who leave the “rat race” for a simpler life in a quiet town, free from excess possessions and constant consumption. I wonder—have they truly found peace, or will they one day want to return to find they’ve fallen behind?

Deep down, I think we all crave some level of peace. But we’ve become so accustomed to running and proving ourselves that we don’t know what will happen if we stop.

A Time for Change: From Competition to Collaboration

This is a pivotal moment in history, one that’s asking us: How much longer will we compete with those around us—even our closest friends and family? How much longer will we chase achievements and pay the price for them?

What if it’s time to stop running and start collaborating? What if it’s time to pool our talents and resources, learn from each other, and grow together?

This mindset shift is the future. Instead of competing, let’s think about how we can combine our strengths to create something greater. Each of us has unique contributions, and by working together, we can ensure every piece of the puzzle is valued equally—no comparisons, no competition.

The True Value of Life

Perhaps the rising cost of living is here to remind us of another kind of value—the preciousness of life itself. Instead of focusing on how much it costs to live, let’s remember how priceless life is. Every moment is irreplaceable, and by working together, we can spend more time doing what we truly love and being with the people who matter most.

Yes, interest rates, property taxes, and prices will continue to climb. But the cost of living is here to wake us up—to show us that our lives are worth more than the competition we’ve built around them.

How did this article make you feel? What are your thoughts on a collaborative economy and the value of life? Share your insights in the comments—I’d love to hear them.

With love and hope,


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