Weekly message from Rabbi Akiva and the Archive Angels, Sunday, November 27th 2022
Hello loved ones, how are you?
Today is Sunday, November the 27th 2022.
I am Rakefet Beka Moses, a spiritual instructor, and a practical channeling teacher, and we’re here every Sunday with the weekly message
and I see more and more people sharing and responding so it’s really heartwarming, keep going.
And now let’s go see our message for this week.
I, Rakefet, demand to receive the message from a high and reliable source,
In an unambiguous manner that will be understood by me and by anyone who will be watching the message now and, in the future, and that the message will act for our utmost good.
Thank you.
Welcome, beloved children of these days who are transforming their days before your eyes.
As you know, you are at a very important time in which you must learn the whole and its meaning and we are taking you step by step to understand the meaning of faith, it creates the whole and your faith in the wholeness of man and in the wholeness of Creation.
We would like to talk to you today about the controversy consciousness that you are extremely afflicted by, you, all humans.
When you have a controversy with another person or when you have a controversy within yourselves and you don’t know how to make a decision,
You split yourselves and you don’t see the whole.
You create separation, controversy creates separation and you don’t see the whole that you are and you don’t appreciate the whole that exists within yourselves.
We want to suggest to you on this day an alternative way to experience the same controversy in order to allow yourselves to go through it and find the solution in order to experience the whole.
You have to remember that when you experience a controversy with another person, you actually want to understand how you create the solution and the whole that exists within yourselves
and you have to do that out of the one obvious question about what is the thing that completes you,
What is the thing that you share and you believe jointly,
what is the thing you can agree on?
Especially at the time when you disagree on certain things,
this is the right time to ask these questions.
You have to understand that in order to reach a solution that sometimes you don’t know of at all
You must allow yourselves to see the whole which you create together
and that’s the only way you can allow yourselves, your mind,
to open up to a solution that exists therein for you.
So especially when you disagree with a particular person and you feel the controversy, instead of splitting yourselves, instead of separating yourselves, you have to understand that you must find the whole which you create together
and it’s the time to ask that question,
What is that thing that you agree on? What is the thing upon which you see, you can see yourselves as a whole when you look at it together?
We will give you an example:
When a couple of parents are fighting and you don’t find your ability to decide about something,
you need to see the joint love you have for your children.
That way you can see the whole that you create together, and from that, the solution will come.
Conversely, when a person experiences a controversy within himself
when he experiences a certain pain and can’t concentrate on something else or can’t make a decision,
we will ask you to remember your other bodies because your emotional body can sometimes support the physical body,
the spiritual body can also support the emotional body and the physical body can support the spiritual body. You have to pay attention to when each of your bodies needs the support
and what is the body which can support it at the same time
and hence we ask you, precisely when you are experiencing controversy,
Instead of creating this separation bigger within yourselves
when you think about it more and more and talk about it more and more,
Do exactly the opposite, remember what makes you whole, allow these things to be whole, allow you to experience the wholeness from the things that you know that you are whole in them
and don’t try to scold the other side or yourselves for your mistake or your lack of certainty.
Do not deepen the separation.
View it as two mountains that are close to each other and slowly separate from each other.
Their intensity varies, they are not as strong as they were when they were close to each other.
The ground is being cracked open under them and they are forming a separation.
We ask you not to create this separation, stay strong as mountains that will give you strength to find your wholeness,
To rise higher and higher, to believe in yourselves.
This is our request from you this week.
As you know, we bolster you every week with the belief in the wholeness that you are and this is the next step,
This is the next step for you.
See the controversies you experience in your day-to-day and find a way to experience the whole without the solution of the controversy. Only then will the solution come easily and simply and within the same wholeness that you experience.
Remember that many times you don’t know the solution, but the solution exists because the whole is already perfect.
We bless you, bless you to know this week to see the whole that you are and the wholeness of the Creation
and we are here, the Archangels together with Rabbi Akiva, and love thy neighbor as thyself
we will love you as much as you love us,
we love you as much as you love us.
Hence keep believing in yourselves and know that we believe in you.
Be thankful for the wholeness of the Creation.
Thank you.
Thank you for this lovely and satisfying message and the truth is that it sounds very simple
I have to say.
They’re basically asking us to understand that when we experience some kind of controversy then we’re actually creating a separation,
controversy is to split, it actually creates a separation between us and you don’t see the whole
and ask us precisely when we are having a disagreement with another person
to ask what we actually agree on,
What we are, what we have in common, what actually completes us,
where we complement each other
and put aside the controversy momentarily,
Just remember that and not look yet for a solution to the controversy and by looking at what’s whole, we’ll find the solution to the controversy.
and within ourselves, they say the same thing.
We have several bodies, so use one body to complete the other.
And not to look, if for that matter we have physical pain,
so don’t just experience the physical pain
but use the spirit to empower the physical, that the spirit will complete the physical and vice versa,
If we have some kind of emotional pain or something spiritual that we feel we can’t rise above it then we can use the body, just for example going for a run, to raise the spirit
or to use the spirit and meditate to overcome pain.
So, it’s a very, very beautiful message in my mind and I really love it.
So, thank you, thank you, the archangels and Rabbi Akiva.
So, we’ll see you later in the week, hopefully on the Angel’s news.
And pass it on to whomever you want, this message, and have a good week.